
Technology | Trends

I want to automate my company; will it be a good investment?
December 14, 2020
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In previous articles, we have discussed the automation and digitization of services, not as a luxury, but as a necessity to adapt to modern times. There is often resistance from certain business sectors towards automated services and self-service devices. As they are not familiar with digital solutions, they assume that the expense must be high. For this reason, it is important to talk about the rapid return on investment once companies successfully integrate these solutions, which usually occurs in less than a year. This is often due to the enormous savings that digital solutions represent compared to traditional customer service.

Some sources estimate that companies who implement automated services will see a return on their initial investment between 9 and 18 months. However, each company's process is different and depends, among other factors, on the strategies adopted and their adherence to them. If you have already begin digitization or are about to do so, we also invite you to explore these 11 strategies to achieve a successful digital transformation . Now, let's talk about the subject of this article: the factors that enable a quick return on investment thanks to the implementation of different self-service devices.


There are numerous benefits of ATMs compared to traditional customer service. The first is savings related to the renting or ownership of properties. Installing a service center requires a high investment in terms of infrastructure, permits for land use, construction, and other costs. On the other hand, the use of a self-service device reduces the space required for its installation by a large percentage while maximizing collection capacity and points of service. One square meter per ATM is enough to serve one person every 40 seconds . Due to these factors, the digital operation process results in a huge efficiency boost.

Likewise, it is pertinent to add that payment tellers do not require operators , which results in a considerable savings. Businesses are not required to invest in hiring and training personnel, and are even able to reduce transaction errors by removing the human factor. These devices ensure service without interruptions, failures, or friction between staff and customers. These transactions are kept secure with the help of automated operations, secure programming, and receipts.

Finally, ATMs contribute to the rapid return on investment because they help reduce past-due payments. The increase in points of service allows users to have faster access, which results in more timely payments. Additionally, ATMs allow customers to make their payments during extended hours, up to 24 hours depending on where it is installed. This ensures that your collection capacity is not limited to office hours, as the device is capable of covering up to 3 normal shifts per day.

Deposit Boxes

Additionally, smart deposit boxes are great tools for medium and large companies to safeguard revenue, and are quickly becoming the new standard. This is especially the case when safe deposit boxes integrate remote monitoring software in addition to receipts.

A system of this type simplifies administration and solves the problem of cash outages, since it generates a meticulous record of each operation and reconciles these operations daily. This accounting process is done completely online and, likewise, it is possible to know in real time the exact amount of money in each device . Thus, cash flow is streamlined and common problems, such as unethical practices, self-financing, and deposit errors are neutralized.

This, in turn, allows on-demand control of transfer services and cash safekeeping. This represents a considerable saving in the costs of these services, since the remote control of the deposits eliminates the need to count the money deposited. Thus, operational processes are optimized and human error is avoided when reconciling deposits.

Payment applications

Finally, it is important to talk about one more strategy that is a complement to automation and that can greatly benefit company finances: mobile applications to receive payments. Currently, it is a necessity to have a channel open for a growing sector of the population: the digital client. Not only do payment applications reach this client, but they represent savings in operational costs for your company, helping you to achieve a quick return on investment.

A mobile application puts a payment and service center in the hand of each user, without allocating large sums of money towards infrastructure, permits, rents and the hiring of personnel. These apps are convenient, and help to avoid delays by eliminating the need for travel on behalf of the client. Thanks to alerts and payment notifications, as well as the option of paying via debit or credit card, customers are able to keep their payments up to date.

As if the above factors alone were not enough, due to the new reality that we have to face as a society, in the near future a large part of the income and profits of companies will be obtained through the use of digital services. If companies seek to be competitive in this context and safeguard their investments, they must adapt to changing times. As already noted above, and as some experts point out, the automation of processes can reduce costs by up to 20% and these savings are maintained as long as these solutions continue to be implemented.

We are ready to help you achieve your goals

Let digital devices and systems take care of the monotonous and repetitive tasks ,so that your human talent can focus on the essentials. In order for automation to be successful and generate a quick return on investment, it must also be sustained by our human resources. At Interlogic® we know how to help you achieve your business goals. Contact us today!

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